Paintings for the Bird Above My Head

Henry Murphy

Reception April 28, 4-6pm

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Stellarhighway is delighted to present Paintings for the Bird Above My Head by Philadelphia-based artist Henry Murphy. Murphy's work takes inspiration from human interaction with the landscape, and painting serves as a daily discipline and a way of taking part in the world around him.

The fifteen paintings in the presentation are a byproduct of the artist's recent excursions, each made en plein air or from memory in the studio. These quiet, contemplative and intimate views segment the artist’s observations and allow new perspectives on the ordinary. To Murphy, they are symbols of his real life, excerpts meant to be both biographical and universal and to give credit to the everyday experience.

Murphy studied at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. His work has previously been featured in exhibitions at Gross McCleaf Gallery, Philadelphia, PA; Cerulean Arts, Philadelphia, PA; Biz 187, Larchmont, NY; and Spring Break Art Show in New York, NY.

Please contact Stellarhighway for more information.

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